Tuesday, May 4, 2021

ONE THING you want to get done

Lately I have been thinking of an old bible story. Its a story how Abraham was looking for a place to bury his wife. I believe it´s true and accurate, but I let you decide it for yourself. Thats not my main point. For me, its an inspiring event. Why?

I relate to Abraham.

I have also wife I love.

Land I am living on, is also foreign. And it does make a difference, if its yours or not! That I have experienced many times as I have been living in Finland.

"Then Abraham rose from beside his dead wife and spoke to the Hittites. He said, “I am a foreigner and stranger among you. Sell me some property for a burial site here so I can bury my dead.”

And latest thing Im relating with Abraham is that - he has A PROJECT he needs to finish. 

If you follow the story till the end, you see that his negotiations took time and effort. He didnt get immediately things done. Maybe it was even unpleasant for him to work on it?

What is one body you want to get buried this month? 

Some are fortunate, they are organised and focused till the end, naturally. They do not need this post. But for those who might relate to me, here are two motivations I have found:

1. Once your project gets done, it will impact other people (and probably a lot). I.e. in my case - if I get my shower-room done, then all women of our house will have shorter lines behind the door. Shorter lines equal shorter arguments. Shorter arguments equal more peace etc.

2. As you keep pressing on, you will learn new things every day. Yesterday as I was focusing my precious half an hour on a boat, I found that I need an anti rust metal (zink). Didnt know of such thing before! Probably there will be quite a few more things I need to learn before I get Santa Greta back into water again.

Old and new zink anode for my boat. 

Abrahams picture was taken from onefaithonepeopleministries.com